
Computer Science

Education Summit

Moving Computer Science Education forward in Maine and preparing a STEM-Ready Workforce will take all of us. If you are business leader, policy maker, or educator—we NEED your voice at the table. Please join us.


Please join educators, policymakers, business leaders, nonprofits, and higher education institutes to share insights, best practices, and innovative strategies for integrating Computer Science education more comprehensively across K-12. Let’s work together to prepare the next generation.

This event is open to all who are interested in learning more about CS education in Maine and doesn’t require previous experience with CS.


8:00 AM - 3:30 PM


A headshot of Dr. Josh Childs

Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Joshua Childs

Dr. Joshua Childs is an assistant professor in the Educational Policy and Planning program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas at Austin. His research investigates the role of cross-sector collaborations to address complex education issues, broadening participation in computer science education, and expanding learning opportunities for students. A former Division I student-athlete, Joshua also studies the role of extracurricular activities to support students in schools and college. He received his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in Learning Science and Policy.

State of CS in Maine.

Learn about Maine’s innovative CS education work during a keynote speech from Sarah Dunton and panel discussions with educators, thought leaders, and Maine businesses.

Problem Solving

Share best practices and learn about the vital role CS integration plays in improving critical thinking and problem-solving perseverance in students of all ages.

Future Workforce

Discuss advancements in CS education and the challenges Maine faces to give our students the same access to high-quality CS education as other states.

Critical Connections

Network, collaborate, and exchange ideas with others to build a cohesive community committed to making CS education accessible to all Maine learners.

More than 100 educators will be attending from across Maine and beyond.

If your organization would like to support the summit as a sponsor, please contact Rhonda Tate at

The Maine State CS Leadership Summit is hosted by MMSA, Educate Maine, the Maine Department of Education, and the RiSE center with support from the Harold Alfond Foundation and the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance.

Logos for organizations supporting the summit, including MMSA, the Maine Department of Education, the UMaine Rise center, ECEP, Educate Maine, and the Alfond Foundation.

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