Have you heard the buzz about all of the computer science professional development this Summer? You will not want to miss out on these opportunities to integrate computer science, coding, and more into your curriculum or afterschool program next year!
Option 1: Exploring Computer Science – Aug 7-11
- Funded by the National Science Foundation
- Open to middle and high school teachers
- Week-long summer institute PLUS 4 Saturday workshops
- Gain access to a nationally acclaimed computer science curriculum for your classroom.
Gain access to Maine-based videos on what computer science careers look like in our state, including automobile technicians, coders, and more.
Option 2: Computer Science Methods Course at UMA
MMSA and University of Maine Augusta have teamed up to offer a Computer Science Methods Course for the first time ever for a Maine institution. This summer, Hannah Walden will be teaching EDU 392: Methods of Teaching Computer Science. We are anticipating that this will be part of the requirements for a teacher certification in computer science.
Option 3: Code.org Trainings
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance and Educate Maine are Maine’s only Code.org Regional Partner offering a variety of programs benefiting schools, teachers, and students.
We’re excited to announce that applications for Code.org’s Professional Learning Program for CS Principles and CS Discoveries are closed for 2017-8 but we will have a new cohort starting in the summer of 2018. If your school plans to offer these courses in 2018-19, please encourage interested teachers to follow our information!
Code.org’s Professional Learning Program is an intensive, year-long professional learning program for middle and high school educators who are interested in teaching Code.org’s CS Discoveries (middle school) or CS Principles (high school) courses. These programs are designed to prepare educators to provide high-quality instruction based on the curriculum, tools and best practices in computer science education.
Teachers who apply and are accepted to the program commit to:
Attending the five-day, in-person summer 2018 workshop (dates to be determined but this will be in Maine)
Attending four local one-day, in-person workshops in Maine (normally on Saturdays)
Engaging in 20 hours of on-line PD
Teaching the course during the 2018-19 school year
Supporting the recruitment and enrollment of a diverse group of students in the course, representative of the school’s overall student population
Option 4: Join Maine CSTA
Maine has its own chapter of the Computer Science Teachers Association and the main feature right now is an active listserv. We are reconfiguring our supports for the teaching of computer science and you can get all of the latest thoughts through the listserv. It is open to K-12, higher education, and business and industry people interested in fostering computer science education in Maine. And membership in Maine CSTA is free! Just drop a line to our chapter president, Tom Keller, at tkeller@mmsa.org and he will enlist you in the listserv.