Smart Greenhouse Project Offers Entry Point to Computer Programming
The Smart Greenhouse project is a collaboration between the Boston College Lynch School and regional partners, including MMSA. Teachers will learn how to use the greenhouses to equip students with hands-on programming and life sciences skills.

The Culmination of PeBLES2: Research Publication, New Funding, and Free Resources
PeBLES2 is coming to an end, but a new project is starting that will continue the project’s legacy of contributions to place-based education.

Developing, Testing, and Refining Professional Learning Materials to Support Play-Based Science
At MMSA, researchers employ field-leading research practices, and SciEPlay, a project investigating how children exhibit STEM practices through play, exemplifies innovation.

Stakeholders Convened to Move Maine Computer Science Education Forward
A new report details proceedings from the inaugural Maine Computer Science Education Summit, which brought together stakeholders to work toward a strong future for CS education in Maine.

Publication of Place-Based Strategies Article Exemplifies Impact of PeBLES2
A new article highlights the contributions of the PeBLES2 project to place-based science education, including the creation of locally adaptable resources for teachers.

Four Simple Questions to Develop Doable Scientific Investigations
Bringing independent inquiry-based projects into the classroom can be challenging, but these four questions can help teachers take the first steps.
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