Funtown Splashtown Expands their Highly Successful Physics Day Program to Include Broader Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

STEM days at Funtown Splashtown

Sure, theme parks are a gold mine when it comes to teaching physics concepts, but there’s so much more! After 25 years, Funtown Splashtown USA has elicited the help of MMSA to expand their highly successful Physics Day program to include broader Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) topics.  In addition to bringing in more math and engineering to the existing science concepts, each ride-based activity has been designed to have a coherent focus threaded through the experience. For example, in the “Sock It To ‘Em Bumper Cars” students are asked to look at the design features of the ride and use their math and science knowledge to make recommendations about what factors maximize the ride’s most endearing quality – the ‘bounce!”

With the help of MMSA, Funtown Splashtown is developing an innovative, exciting and standards-based program at the park for K-12 students throughout the region. The first of these new STEM days will be held in May 2018. The already popular Physics Day program will be even more relevant to teachers and students across the state.  To learn more visit


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