Science Lab @ Home: Astronomy

We’re providing easy-to-use resources for parents to engage their children in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Check back weekly or follow us on Facebook to get updates!

Dark Sky Week Resources for You

photo of the night skyDark Sky Week is just wrapping up, so all of the activities we’re suggesting have an astronomy or space focus. Learn about the origins of this international celebration at and follow the adventures of Maine astronaut Jessica Meir on NASA’s site.

Tech Time 🌐

Night Sky App (iOS) and Star Walk 2 (Android): Are your kids begging to stay up late? Turn it into a learning opportunity. These SmartPhone apps use augmented reality (AR) to help you identify stars, constellations, and other celestial bodies. Just point your phone at the night sky and start exploring.

Get Outside 🌤

Train Like an Astronaut: Astronauts need to be in tip-top shape before they head to outer space for their missions. Many of the exercises they do can be done right in your own backyard. These activities are a great way for upper elementary and middle school kids to burn off some steam.

Rainy Day 🌧

Lunar Landing Module: This is a fun cooperative engineering design activity for the whole family. Challenge your children to design lunar landing modules. If you don’t have some of the materials on the list, improvise! You can use pipe cleaners or q-tips instead of straws. You can even have your little engineers brainstorm a list of materials you have at home that they can use.

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Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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