Science Lab @ Home: Computer Science

We’re providing easy-to-use resources for parents to engage their children in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Check back weekly or follow us on Facebook to get updates!

Happy Scratch Month!

Scratch Cat, forever imagine program shareThis week we are celebrating computer science along with Scratch, the online programming platform for all ages developed by MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. We’re also excited to share some creative, non-digital ways to learn the basics of computer science. Hop on a computer or head outside – there are many ways to learn these 21st-century skills.

Tech Time 🌐

While in-person events are on hold, celebrate Scratch Month virtually with coders all over the world. Visit the Scratch Month website to learn more about the specific activities planned for May, or explore their massive library of online resources for learning computer programming using the accessible blockly format. Create stories, games and animations and then share them with your friends and programmers around the world!

Get Outside 🌤

Patterns are everywhere – in the lines of code that make up our digital lives and all around us in the natural world. In this outdoor activity for littles from Winterkids (all ages and seasons welcome) explore your surroundings by gathering natural objects, and experimenting with creating different patterns and sequences. You may discover it’s not so different from hopping on Scratch and programming your first blockly sequence!

Rainy Day 🌧

Learning computer science doesn’t always mean being on the computer! Check out this fun hands-on beading activity to explore the principles of binary code while making cool, customized jewelry. And be sure to follow @littleproblemsolvers awesome Instagram channel for more inspiring hands-on projects that “develop problem-solving skills through coding, computational thinking and fun!”

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Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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