Science Lab @ Home: Geology

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Exploring Geology

Did you ever have a rock collection? Many people have at some point in their lives. Aside from providing some interesting things to look at, rock collections encourage lots of opportunities for exploration and learning. If you’re itching to take the family on a field trip, check out the Maine Geological Survey’s map of interesting sites. On your ride there, get everyone into the geologist mindset by listening to podcasts on rock & mineral collecting and simple rock classification.
h1>Tech Time 🌐

Did you know that the National Park Service has virtual tours of five different National Parks? We’re loving the Carlsbad Caverns. Not only do you get to see cool rock formations, but you also get to fly with bats!

Get Outside 🌤

Collect some rocks and then sort them based on whether you think they are igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Science educator Mike Sammartano has videos describing each type of rock on his Youtube channel. These videos use a flowchart that you might find helpful to make sense of the three types of rocks! You don’t need to travel far to find a variety of rocks: start with your back yard and keep your eyes peeled if you go for a walk or to a local park. Rocks are everywhere!

Rainy Day 🌧

Did you know that there are different kinds of volcanoes? Your kids can learn about the five major types by putting together these 3D models of volcanoes. All you need is a printer, scissors, and tape. Skip the vinegar and baking soda!

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Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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