Bippity, Boppity.. Management!

Classroom management strategies is one of the most discussed topics by educators. We live it everyday, yet we are always searching for the ultimate technique that will work in every situation. The truth is, there’s no magic wand. There are too many variables inside and outside the classroom to have one easy fix, but isn’t that the beauty of teaching? The creativity, the imagination, the vision.

Here are some classroom management strategies that work in our outdoor classroom, that may work for you.

We have found that students work best when they are presented with a small activity for a short amount of time. Rotating them through twenty minute activities keeps them engaged for the time being, and wanting more when they leave. It also allows for students to build relationships beyond just their classroom teacher.

A favorite strategy of ours, is for lining up. We wanted to avoid using the whistle at recess, because Nature Exploration isn’t recess. Instead, we have a clapping method. The adult will initiate the clapping when it’s time for students to stop their activity and line up. The adult will give some type of rhythm to the clapping that students can follow. When students hear the clapping, they stop, and they start mimicking the clapping as they run to their home base. It works almost like a charm!

Kelcie Virgin
Meroby Elementary, 2nd Grade

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