25 years serving Maine’s Teachers and Students … and Going Strong!

In the Summer of 1992, the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance was founded thanks to a handful of passionate teachers, administrators, and dreamers that could see what the potential future for math and science education could look like for the state of Maine.  We are getting closer each year, some years more so than others, to realizing a systemic statewide system for strengthening STEM education in Maine that was only the seed of an idea 25 years ago.

Over the last 25 years MMSA has:

  1. Provided high quality research-based STEM education professional development to over 20,000 Maine K-12 educators!  Just imagine how many children those teachers reached over the years!
  2. Partnered with more than 20 school districts per year!
  3. Been awarded more than $23 million from the National Science Foundation to implement innovative research-to-practice STEM education professional development.

And that is just the numbers, imagine all of the stories of change and impact MMSA has played a role in over the years. Over the coming months keep an eye out for our newsletter to hear some of those stories and learn about how you can join us for an event near you to celebrate 25 years of service for, and impact on, STEM education in Maine and beyond.

Help us celebrate 25 years of service to STEM education and join us as we prepare to take on the challenges in the future!  Please consider donating to MMSA today.  Every dollar your give goes directly to programming to meet the needs of K-12 STEM education in Maine and beyond.  Imagine the exponential impact your $1 could provide as we use that money to work with a educator that works with 20-100 kids a day!  Please help position MMSA to be an even stronger force for change as we fight for the kind of STEM education that works for our kids – interdisciplinary, hands-on, focused on real-world issues, and rooted in problem solving.

Please donate to MMSA today by using the form below.


Ruth Kermish-Allen
Executive Director, Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance

Help Maine Mathematics & Science Alliance (MMSA) strengthen our foundation as we continue to support educators into the future.

If you would like to pay by check, please make it out to:
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance or MMSA.
Please note donation in the memo line.

Send donation to:

Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
219 Capitol St., Suite 3
Augusta, ME. 04330

To pay by paypal or credit card via paypal use the form below:
[Please note we cannot accept single donations above $2500]

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Donation Total: $250

Copyright © 1992 — 2023 Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance • All rights reserved
Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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