Moving Environmental Education Forward in Maine

MMSA Research Associate Alex Brasili presents on initial findings from the Census to environmental educators at the First Annual MEEA Research Symposium.

We have just finished up the data collection period for the Census of Community-Based Environmental Learning in Maine and are thrilled with the response that we received from across the state! We received responses from over 600 people from across the state representing schools, nonprofit organizations, land trusts, libraries, science centers, and more. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who filled out the Census- your responses will help us to inform the field to move environmental education forward in Maine and ensure that K-12 youth across the state have access to programs and experiences that support their learning.

The Census is a partnership between the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance and the Maine Environmental Education Association and is generously supported by the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation. The data we gather from schools and organizations across Maine will be used to generate a report about who, where, and how K-12 students are engaging in community-based environmental learning as well as to understand professional development needs of educators and challenges facing the field. In addition, several case studies will document examples of best practices in community-based environmental learning and serve as exemplars.

Initial findings from the Census were recently disseminated at the first annual Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Research Symposium on March 14, 2019. Over 50 practitioners and researchers came together to discuss initial Census results, present on other environmental education research going on across the state, and consider further research needs of the state to support environmental education programs and partnerships. The day was a success and our team is looking forward to sharing the full results from the Census in a report later this summer! For more information about the Census, please visit:  

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Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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