All Blog Posts

A group of educators walk down a path on the University of Maine's Orono campus.

NSF Announces Funding to MMSA, Partners

A photo of Dr. Rachel Larimore.

SciEPlay Partner Spotlight: Dr. Rachel Larimore on Nature-Based Learning

A group of educators mingle in a conference workshop setting.

$8.2 Million Grant to Transform Computer Science Education in Maine

A photo of the summit conference room with people sitting at tables and two screens showing a welcome message; a photo of Heidi Cian is superimposed on the previously described image.

MMSA Researcher Attends White House STEMM Summit

Image showing the title, logo, and recent participants of the podcast Unpack Everything

MMSA Project Participant, Researcher Featured in Podcast Episodes

A mix of children and adults can be seen mingling in the State House in Augusta. Tables and signage for various organizations are set up.

Census Highlights Outdoor and Environmental Education in Maine

A collage of photos of educators featured in the associated blog post that also includes the ACRES logo.

ACRES Celebrates Afterschool Educators

A photo showing three of the winners of the 2023 high school science fair.

Science Fairs Key to Sparking STEM Interest

ACRES 2019

ACRES Hubs Empower Coaches, Elevate STEM Out of School

A child in winter clothes pours liquid from a metal mug into a wooden chute. The SciEPlay logo is superimposed on the image.

Transforming Early Science Education Through Play

ACRES: Facilitation Skills Empower Out-of-School Educators to be Leaders

A photo of MMSA staff and educators at the Workforce Ready 2030 mid-year gathering in 2024.

Partnerships Propel MMSA, STEM Education Forward

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Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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