What does it take for a community to be ‘resilient’ to hurricanes, such that damage is minimized and recovery is quick?
- FEMA mobile comms units roll in for Harvey: Article about FEMA’s Mobile Emergency Response Support vehicles, with a preview of the planned launch of FirstNet, a nationwide interoperable wireless network for first responders. https://fcw.com/articles/2017/08/29/harvey-fema-mers-mobile-comms.aspx
- About FirstNet: Video introduction- https://www.firstnet.gov/about
- 10 Ways FirstNet Will Help Public Safety, Save Lives, and Secure Communities. Flyer. https://www.firstnet.gov/sites/default/files/TenWaysFirstNetHelps_161003_web-FINAL.pdf
- Lessons From Hurricane Harvey: Houston’s Struggle Is America’s Tale. Article. Describes how urban sprawl, and various local and state regulations contributed to the impacts of Harvey. Raises questions about preparedness for future storms. Likely to raise political concerns. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/11/climate/houston-flooding-climate.html
- Scientist at work: Measuring public health impacts after disasters: Article. Amassing more evidence about how disasters affect health will improve readiness, response, recovery and mitigation for all Americans. https://theconversation.com/scientist-at-work-measuring-public-health-impacts-after-disasters-85148?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20October%2018%202017%20-%2085927127&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20October%2018%202017%20-%2085927127+Version+A+CID_9dcc585d656a6c3f3804891ea8729c40&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=impacts%20on%20public%20health
- Hell and High Water: Why Isn’t Texas Ready for the Next Big Hurricane? Hurricane Ike hit Houston in 2008, but Houston has made little progress in preparing for the predicted perfect storm. This 2016 animated and interactive map with in depth explanations and additional links, begs the questions, “Why wasn’t Houston more prepared for Harvey?” https://projects.propublica.org/houston/