Supporting Educator Leadership in the Digital Age
Date & Time: October 4th, 2019
8:30 am – 9:00 am registration
9:00 am – 3:30 pm symposium
light breakfast & lunch included
Registration Deadline: September 25, 2019
Location: Senator Inn
284 Western Ave
Augusta, ME 04330
Cost: $30 per person
The 2019 MMSA Symposium – Supporting Educator Leadership in the Digital Age – provides an opportunity for educators to come together to network, discuss and, learn from each other through our combined experiences with STEM programs in Maine. This exciting day will allow both in and out of school K-12 educators, coaches and administrators a forum to build networks, share ideas and reflect on each other’s successes in STEM education.
A sampling of the day’s activities includes sessions on:
Robotic tails, wagging dogs–classroom tales beyond the cutting-edge:
MOTH-style story slam about anecdotes where embracing new tech “for-techs-sake” went wrong, led to ‘early adopter’s remorse,’ led nowhere (or backwards), spawned unexpected results (good, bad, ugly, hilarious), shifted your perspective, provided rich reflection in hindsight etc.
Giving youth a voice and choice in STEM learning:
Join this session to reflect on your STEM facilitation skills. Are you creating Chef or cooks? Participants will reflect on their practice and talk about ways to increase the youth voice. The more students have the opportunity to talk through STEM challenges and take on leadership roles, the more inclined they will be to pursue STEM careers and act as agents of change within communities. Educators from Maine Libraries will be featured and will share some of their STEM integration strategies.
WeatherBlur: Blurring the lines between the Gulf of Maine and Gulf of Mexico:
Join a team of teachers who have helped shape the place-based citizen science program, WeatherBlur, into what it is today. Discover how students’ investigation work are blurring the lines between interdisciplinary subject areas, how students are involving local community, regional and national partners, and the strong partnerships being made between Maine, Mississippi and Alabama schools.
NGSS Think Tank: Developing A Statewide System of Support:
Maine has OFFICIALLY adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as our science learning standards throughout the State. This move towards equity across districts means that we are all gearing up together to implement this exciting reform for science learning! Come learn how a variety of Maine institutions have been working together to articulate support efforts around NGSS implementation.
Identifying and Addressing Professional Learning Needs of Mathematics Educators:
Mathematics educators have a variety of professional learning needs, therefore developing a school or district plan is often a daunting task. Come learn about tools and processes to develop a professional learning plan capitalizing on three integrated strands: Content Knowledge for Teaching, Instructional Practices and Formative & Diagnostic approaches.