MMSA offers transformative professional learning that empowers educators to create science classrooms where student inquiry drives instruction. In other words, students aren’t just learning about science; instead, they are actively engaged in figuring out scientific ideas as they ask questions, analyze data, and develop models to explain phenomena or solve problems. By participating in our professional learning, educators will be ready to implement innovative teaching strategies to engage their students in meaningful science sensemaking.
We work with K-12 science educators across all content areas (life science, physical science, earth and space science, and engineering). Professional learning sessions can be facilitated in person, virtually, or in a hybrid format based on your school or district’s preferred mode of delivery. Each professional learning package requires a minimum of 18 participant contact hours, which can be scheduled through full-day (6-hour) and half-day (3-hour) sessions.

Grades K-12 Package - Instructional Routines to Support Science Sensemaking
In this professional learning package, educators discover the specific instructional routines that support inquiry-based science learning. These routines center the lived experiences of students, build on their interests, and amplify their voices, creating more equitable learning opportunities. Educators will explore these routines through quality, peer-reviewed units or in the context of their existing science curriculum. Educators will apply what they have learned by facilitating at least one science unit that they have revised with new instructional routines or a quality, peer-reviewed unit of their choice.
During these sessions, educators will explore the following:
- How do we use anchoring phenomena and engineering problems to launch investigations in a unit?
- How do we help students use science and engineering practices to figure out science ideas and solve problems?
- How do we work with students to decide on next steps in an investigation and push them to go deeper?
- How do we help students synthesize science ideas and apply them in new contexts?
By participating in this package, educators will gain tools and confidence in how to implement the pedagogical shifts embodied by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for all students in their classrooms.

Grades K-12 Package – Intro to OpenSciEd
This professional learning package offers a comprehensive overview of the OpenSciEd curriculum for grades K-12. OpenSciEd is a high-quality, freely available science curriculum that emphasizes student-led questioning, investigating, and problem-solving. Each OpenSciEd unit has been field tested by hundreds of teachers and students and earned the NGSS Design Badge.
During these sessions, educators will immerse themselves in the lessons, routines, and strategies of OpenSciEd. Educators will gain confidence in navigating all of the resources embedded in the curriculum so they can maximize their impact on student engagement and learning. Educators will leave with a thorough understanding of how to facilitate OpenSciEd units in their classrooms.
MMSA is proud to partner with OpenSciEd as a Certified Professional Learning Provider. OpenSciEd Middle School materials are fully available. OpenSciEd High School materials will be fully available by 2024. OpenSciEd Elementary materials will be available starting in late 2024 or early 2025. The complete OpenSciEd K-12 curriculum will be available in 2026.