Get Ready for the 2018 Maine State Science Fair

Maine State Science Fair is back for its 72nd year! It’s an event with a long history, but it is far from old or stale. MSSF is more than just the traditional sciences. In fact, we welcome projects in the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematics, behavioral & social sciences, and even data science. Once again, MMSA’s Reach Center is teaming up with The Jackson Laboratory to host this exciting STEM event.

Maine State Science Fair
Annalyse Nichols and Alice Wang studied road salt as a component of stormwater runoff.

New Venue
The 2018 Maine State Science Fair will take place on March 24 at Thomas College in Waterville. We invite high school students – working alone or in teams of 2-3 – to share their original projects with their peers and a cadre of judges from industry, higher education, research institutions and government.

Solve It! Challenge
We’d like to announce a new partnership with Gulf of Maine Research Institute. They’re helping us on a new effort called the Solve It! Challenge. Teachers and students have told us that one of the toughest parts of a project is coming up with a good idea. This year, we’re asking students to address a problem that’s relevant to Maine. Of course, we’ll still accept the great variety of projects we have in the past, but some students may choose to take the Solve It! Challenge.

maine state science fair
Marina Mohawass explored the use of cellulose nanofibers to make biodegradable diapers.

We’re excited to embark on a second year of offering college scholarships to students who do exemplary work. We’ve received commitment from two schools already and are working with a few others – stay tuned for details.

Maine State Science Fair
Isaac Sewell’s engineering project focused on developing a wireless aquatic drone to aid in conducting underwater research.

Get Started
If your school participated in MSSF last year and you have a Scienteer account, you can now log in and invite your students to get started on their projects. Those of you new to MSSF, or if you don’t have a Scienteer account, you can preregister your school on the MSSF website. Please note that the deadline for students to submit their projects for approval is January 26, 2018.

Visit for more information or to register.  Contact Stefany Burrell if you have any specific questions!

Copyright © 1992 — 2024 Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance • All rights reserved
Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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