Grades 6-12 Pathway – Mathematical Modeling

This pathway addresses three key goals for teachers: (1) build a deep understanding of the practice of mathematical modeling; (2) gain skills for eliciting student voice and choice to drive mathematics learning; and (3) expand their repertoire of practices for supporting an equitable and community-based classroom environment.

The five guiding principles for teaching and learning math modeling from GAIMME: Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education (p. 21 & 63)  have been incorporated in the design of this pathway

  1. Modeling (like real life) is open-ended and messy,
  2. When students are modeling, they must be making genuine choices,
  3. Modeling Problems can be developed from familiar tasks,
  4. Assessment should focus on the process and not on the product or pieces only, and
  5. Modeling does not happen in isolation.

As part of the learning series, we offer supplemental coaching support focused on student-centered learning goals and the use of formative assessment to inform instructional planning. We work closely with educators and districts to identify, gather, and analyze student and teacher outcome data to document learning and growth. Coaching can take place in-person or virtually at any grade level and we can flexibly schedule coaching sessions in teams or individual cycles.

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Physical Address: 343 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Mailing Address: PO Box 2246, Augusta, Maine 04338

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