MMSA’s strength is working closely with educators to develop strong STEM programs both in school and outside of school. The following educator-focused projects offer a range of coaching, grant, and other opportunities for classroom teachers and out-of-school educators. Get in touch to learn more!

Back to after school STEM
Back to school means back to after school STEM for our STEM Guides team. The STEM Guides project acts as a connector between kids and out of school STEM activities in their communities. Currently, we have two active STEM hubs, one in Oxford Hills, and one Down East. Both are ...

Introducing Youth to the Technology in Emergency Management
As disaster recently struck in Texas, teens and adults alike were riveted to news reports as thousands of first responders, including neighbors, volunteers and professionals from around the country, worked tirelessly to aid and rescue victims of Hurricane Harvey. Technology, particularly communications and information technology, played a central role in ...

MMSA’s ACRES project receives $1.85 million NSF Grant to improve rural afterschool training
A potentially game changing, innovative way to experience professional development is coming to Maine and will then be rolled out across the country. Out of school educators, including librarians will soon benefit from Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance’s (MMSA) most recent grant award MMSA has received a National Science Foundation ...

MMSA’s Research and Evaluation Team is Growing…come and learn with us!
Over the past 4 years MMSA has been growing our capacity to do research and evaluation on both the projects we design and to work with others interested in identifying the impact of their professional development programs. Our research team includes some of the most well respected researchers in the ...

Educators Explore Computer Science in 2nd Summer Institute
MMSA’s Exploring Computer Science (ECS) project launched into its second year with 21 teachers participating in an exciting and fun summer institute on the Bangor campus of the University of Maine at Augusta. This second cohort of the NSF-funded ECS project will continue to expand access to quality computer science ...

Now, more than ever, we need people to be able to think through problems with a rational lens - breaking big problems into small steps, leveraging technology to supercharge our solutions. We are living in a time of overwhelming possibilities. The challenge? Teaching ourselves and our communities through our kids ...

Math & Science Through Engineering (MSTE)
Click here to go to project web page The Math & Science Through Engineering (MSTE) project is a professional development collaboration between MMSA, Maine Maritime Academy, Auburn School Department, Ridge View Community School (Dexter, AOS 94), Lake Region School District (MSAD 61), Mountain Valley & Dirigo Middle Schools (RSU 10), ...

Maine State Science Fair
The Reach Center co-leads the Maine State Science Fair (MSSF) with The Jackson Laboratory. In 2017, nearly 200 students from 26 Maine high schools competed for awards, scholarships, and a chance to represent our state at the prestigious International Science & Engineering Fair. Psychology, computer science, engineering and the environment were ...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Maine State Science Fair
Maine State Science Fair (MSSF) is a great opportunity for high school students to get experience doing original, independent research. MSSF is coordinated by MMSA and The Jackson Laboratory. Visit to learn about the process and our MSSF project page for more resources. As school begins again, our first ...

Try out the new & improved Maine STEM Resource Bank
We have collaborated with The Connectory, a national resource overseen by the National Girls Collaborative, to make our Maine STEM Resource Bank even better. Our Maine connections and dedication to including important Maine-based STEM resources will now be hosted on a platform using The Connectory's technology and user interface. Browse ...